Coaching you through grief, life challenges, and relationships

when facing the loss or terminal illness of a parent

My Services

Life Coaching:

Whether you find yourself in the role of a caregiver, tending to a parent coping with an illness, or navigating the challenging aftermath of losing a parent, the responsibility is undoubtedly mentally and physically demanding. Without adequate support, these demands can have a detrimental impact on your overall well-being. Specifically, caregiver burnout presents a significant risk, contributing to elevated levels of anger, resentment, and depression when left unattended. Taking a proactive approach, such as engaging in services like Life Coaching, is essential not only for delivering high quality care but also for preserving emotional stability.

Choosing to collaborate with me opens the door to a range of benefits, including the opportunity to navigate your emotions in a safe and non-judgmental space. Together, we can work towards establishing boundaries, enhancing problem-solving skills, and fostering improved communication with both your care recipient and other family members.

How I can help:

Here are some ways in which I as a coach can provide valuable assistance

Emotional Processing

Create a secure environment to work through emotions and thoughts.

Addressing Mental Health

Tackle issues such as grief, depression, resentment, or anxiety.

Family Dynamics

Assist in dealing with challenging relationships with siblings and other family members.

Preventing Burnout

Implement strategies to prevent fatigue and burnout.


Provide support during times of transition.

Communication with Medical Providers

Improve communication with medical professionals.

Progressive Care Planning

Guide through the next steps for progressive care and planning.

Emergency Care Planning

Assist in developing an emergency care plan, including trust, will, and medical directives.

Life Beyond Caregiving or Loss

Support in finding purpose and fulfillment after the caregiving journey or loss of a parent.

My Coaching

Discovery Call

Coaching Sessions

We'll embark on a journey of personal exploration, delving into your experiences of grief and the challenges it presents. Grief can profoundly affect your thoughts and emotions, hindering your ability to fully express your best self. During the Discovery Call, we'll discuss how Life Coaching can empower you with clarity and intentional thinking to navigate through these complexities.

up to 60 mins |  FREE |  Get started

In our sessions, we'll embark on a journey of healing and growth together. We'll start by carefully assessing your physical and mental well-being, ensuring that we understand where you are in your grief journey. From there, I'll provide personalized support tailored to your unique needs and challenges.

Throughout our time together, I'll serve as your guide, offering practical strategies and suggestions to navigate the complexities of grief. Together, we'll explore ways to cultivate intentional thoughts that align with your desired outcomes and empower you to create positive changes in your life.

Ultimately, my goal is to accompany you on your path toward healing and transformation, offering compassionate support every step of the way. With our collaborative efforts, you'll develop the resilience and inner strength needed to navigate grief and embrace a fulfilling life beyond loss.

60 Minute Sessions | Package of Twelve |  Get started

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.