Book Your Discovery Call 1Hour Call Complimentary

Welcome to a safe space where you can find solace and support during one of life's most challenging journeys. As a compassionate life coach specializing in assisting those navigating the loss or terminal illness of a parent, I'm here to walk alongside you.

Together, we'll navigate the complexities of your emotions, provide coaching and work through the grieving process with understanding and empathy. I am here to guide you on maintaining your own health and wellness during this time, I'm here to offer support and strategies.

Your path to a healthier and happier mindset and life begins with reaching out. Let's embark on this journey together – contact me today for your 1-hour complimentary Discovery Call

Lauren Steinberg

Certified Life Coach

My Coaching

Discovery call

Coaching Sessions

We'll embark on a journey of personal exploration, delving into your experiences of grief and the challenges it presents. Grief can profoundly affect your thoughts and emotions, hindering your ability to fully express your best self. During the Discovery Call, we'll discuss how Life Coaching can empower you with clarity and intentional thinking to navigate through these complexities.

up to 60 mins | FREE | Get started

In our sessions, we'll embark on a journey of healing and growth together. We'll start by carefully assessing your physical and mental well-being, ensuring that we understand where you are in your grief journey. From there, I'll provide personalized support tailored to your unique needs and challenges.

Throughout our time together, I'll serve as your guide, offering practical strategies and suggestions to navigate the complexities of grief. Together, we'll explore ways to cultivate intentional thoughts that align with your desired outcomes and empower you to create positive changes in your life.

Ultimately, my goal is to accompany you on your path toward healing and transformation, offering compassionate support every step of the way. With our collaborative efforts, you'll develop the resilience and inner strength needed to navigate grief and embrace a fulfilling life beyond loss.

60 Minute Sessions | Package of Twelve | Get started