My Story

My Journey to Becoming a Life Coach

My journey towards becoming a Life Coach commenced seven years ago, triggered by the challenging circumstances that unfolded when my mother suffered a stroke and was subsequently diagnosed with a glioblastoma.  This unexpected turn of events not only impacted her life but also profoundly influenced my own and that of my family.

As a result, I found myself on a path of self-education within the medical field, taking on the role of a caregiver for 4 years, and striving to maintain a semblance of balance in my personal life.  This period was marked by unimaginable difficulties, as I grappled with a whirlwind of emotions, embarked on a journey of self-discovery, and desperately sought guidance.

Regrettably, I did not have access to the support of a Life Coach during this tumultuous transition, which I believe would have been invaluable.  The passing of my mother served as a catalyst, igniting a deep-seated desire within me to leverage my accumulated experience, wisdom and empathy to assist others who find themselves navigating similar life alerting challenges.

As time passed and I coped with the loss of my mother, I realized it was essential to follow my own passions and personal growth.

This realization led me to pursue certification as a Life Coach. Through this journey, I have acquired a diverse set of coaching techniques and interventions that I am excited to apply and help you.

I want to make a meaningful impact in the lives of people who are grieving the illness or loss of a parent.  I am committed to establishing a safe and trusting environment to empower individuals to care for themselves with intention, balance and purpose as they navigate their profound challenge.  I am dedicated to providing the support and guidance needed to bring healing and resilience during these difficult times, fostering personal growth and well-being.

Get started with MonarchMind, today.